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October 26, 2010


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! As an avid walker, bicyclist, and, yes, sometime driver, I thank you for bringing up this issue. Using cell phones while driving is dangerous and irresponsible. Good laws and good enforcement of those laws will change how people drive and keep all of us safer.

I think these programs help teens get the message. I also decided to do something about teen (and adult) texting and driving after my three year old daughter was nearly run down right in front of me by a texting driver. Instead of a shackle that locks down phones and alienates the user (especially teens) I built a tool for teens and their parents called OTTER that is a simple, affordable app for smartphones.. I think if we can empower the individual then change will come to our highways now and not just our laws.

Erik Wood, owner

- http://www.prlog.org/10871927.html

This campaign validates the last five years of pestering my Vermont state legislators where we FINALLY passed a no texting law. THANK YOU! There is a long way to go to rip that damn cell phone from people's fingers.
I listened to Talk of the Nation on 10/26 and Ray LaHood heard the same indefensible arguments from the callers. I have trained my friends not to call me while they "had time" to chat with me while driving. We have to change this behavior and it can be done. I wish more was said about the cognitive studies of driving while on a cell. There are data that say it is like being drunk.
I say withhold federal transporation money for states that don't comply with a ban on cell phone use.
Keep up the good work, Ray LaHood. You are my hero.

Using cell phones while driving is very dangerous and i hope these laws will change bad habits

Glad to hear it! Mr. LaHood, I really appreciated your comments on Talk of the Nation this week. I'm glad to know that those of us in favor of tougher Distracted Driving laws have such an amazing advocate. Keep up the good work!

This cause is very close to my heart and incredibly important. We can change peoples' bad habits. As you said, it will take time, good laws and enforcement. It will also take us average citizens speaking up to one another about the dangers of talking/texting while driving.

I am printing bumper stickers that say "IF YOU CAN READ THIS, YOU AREN'T TEXTING." I will give them away for FREE. I created a Facebook group of the same name. Find me there or via email and I'll send you a bumper sticker!

Thanks again, Mr. LaHood!!

I, too, listened to the TOTN interview on 10/26, and while I'm all for stopping distracted driver calls, I take issue with LaHood's call for a total ban, esp. his huffy dismissal of one caller's desire for a cell-phone training or licensing scheme ("If police can use phones safely..."). As a cab driver, I've used a cell phone interchangably with the dispatch radio during radio service disruptions; the only difference being the extra seconds waiting for the call to go through. These calls typically last seconds, not minutes, and communicate essential info: pick-ups, dropoffs, current status or problems. Additionally, the cell phone is a valuable tool for the occasional difficult address; calling a customer for specifics of his address and getting talked to his door safely- as opposed to driving erratically up and down the area looking desperately away from the road for a number, often in the dark- is 180 degrees away from the distracting social phone call. Then there's the 511 traffic info service available in many places. All these, and other sensible and safe, cell phone uses WILL CONTINUE. Any "one size fits all" cell phone driving ban will create millions of scoff-law violators and increase contempt for the rule of law, while a measured, sensible approach would serve us all.

I too heard the 10/26 Talk of the Nation and perhaps I heard a different program, but one of the answers was especially troubling. A caller made note that he observes law enforcement on cell phones all the time. You, rightfully, said it was part of the their job in regard to public safety. The caller then asked if law enforcement is trained then why can't the citizenry do as well?

"Absolutely not," was, as I recall, your response.

Hmmm...so I can be licensed to drive a vehicle. Heck, I can be licensed to own and carry a concealed firearm, but I can't be allowed to speak on the phone?

Nanny state at its finest.

People need to be educated when they take their driving lessons, this will be a start in dealing with the problems of people driving with a mobile. Their are too many incidents that need to be addressed and government bodies should have learnt their lessons by now.

This cause is very close to my heart and incredibly important. We can change peoples' bad habits. As you said, it will take time, good laws and enforcement. It will also take us average citizens speaking up to one another about the dangers of talking/texting while driving.

these programs programs help teens get the message

This campaign really tries to make people understand the right thing. I'm sure some of them will get the message

We applaud Taylor Lochrane for his efforts to make the roads safer for Florida drivers. In an effort to help raise awareness to prevent distracted driving we shared his story on our own blog:

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